Thursday, December 04, 2008


I know I've not been updating this blog often, but there hasn't been a lot of excitement lately. However, I do have some news.

First of all, I know I was planning to move to Spain, but I think the jobs are better in Asia, and I've been seriously considering Japan. I am too late (just missed the deadline by a few weeks) to apply to the JET program, but there is another that Kelly is with that is legitimate and sounds good. So I am applying to them. I am also taking the Foreign Service Officer Exam in a few months just to keep my options open. As long as I do well on the exam, that is!

And I can see!!!!!!!! Ok, not perfectly, but better. The contact experiment we've been doing the past few weeks seems to be working and my doctor is getting really hopefully. I'm still hesistant to get too enthusiastic, but things seem to be looking up. : )

I also have a job interview next week. So fingers crossed.

The thesis is coming along slowly, but coming along. I have just over 20 pages on it now.

I think that is all of the news. I'll update again soon if anything spectacular occurs!

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