Wednesday, July 19, 2006

No News

There is not much new here. Life is settling down again and I am settling into it. I am working and Uni doesn't start for another month or so. I do, however, start my tutoring job next week and I'm so psyched! Juhu!

Aber natuerlich vermisse ich Deutschland, und am meisten die Leute dort.

There is a man at work that is German, and I love having the opportunity to red' a little Deutsch.

Ummmm. Yep. I think that about covers it. The heat here now is pretty intense, but I love it. Some things about home are so nice. Like listening to the cicadas at night, or chasing fireflies. Ahhh, the lovely Midwest. (and not the South!)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My Half-Ass Rant

Cat and I were talking this evening and she mentioned how these people in her biology class think that doing things half-assed and not working hard are cool. And actually, when I thought about it, it seems a lot of people (sadly often younger people) tend to take this viewpoint. "Yeah man, I didn't do the work for the presentation but the boss thinks I did and didn't check it." Or "I was supposed to help my mom out but she didn't even notice that I only swept the floor instead of mopped it." Ok, so maybe those are sucky examples, but I think you get the drift. Why is it ok or even cool to not try your hardest and be rewarded? Isn't it ten billion times better to give something your all or at least do what you are supposed to and then be proud of the results? Why are we praising twits who think that doing less than your best is not only acceptable but favorable? It's appalling and highly disappointing.

Now, I'm not saying we don't have our lazy days or just times when fudging a little isn't so bad. But on a day to day moral basis, why shouldn't we strive for our best and encourage the best in others?

Just something to think about.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Some pics with Megan

Megan and I enjoying the end of the World Cup, and Megan and I meeting Kate for lunch.

Head-Butt, Wussy Boys and the World Masters

If that wasn't an exciting World Cup game!!! Did you guys see the vicious head-butt?! WOW! I think that was probably the most entertaining (and very wrong) moment of the game! It made up for the fact that usually the soccer boys are little princesses who fling themselves down on the ground every time someone even looks at their ankles. In all fairness, they were much better today. Still it's sad the Germans couldn't be "World Masters" (Weltmeister), but it was still exciting and I for one am a bit sad that the WM is over.

Megan has got me running these last few mornings. Ok, ok, jogging. But wow is it painful! Great to have her here, though. To get even I kicked her butt at tennis last night.

So yeah, not really any news from here. Just chilling with Meegan.

Hope you all are well.

: )

Friday, July 07, 2006

Jet Lag

So I'm massively jet-lagging it. I didn't think it would be so much coming back. But I've been sleeping a ton and have been exhausted. Rosa helped me unpack the first day back so that was really great. However, I still have a few drawers to straighten out b/c we just emptied my bags. And I really, really need to reorganize my closet. It is a danger zone like you wouldn't believe! I need to throw things out and reject my pack rat tendencies, but it's just so hard! Rosa lent me the book He's Just Not That Into You and I am laughing my head off. Great, really. I would highly recommend it to any fabulous woman who is having trouble with many Mr. Wrongs, or just anyone in need of a laugh.

Megan and I have been lazy bums. We've rented movies, eaten ice cream and laid by the pool. My pale self is loving the sunlight and just begging for more. I plan to oblige tomorrow.

The readjusting here is going to take some time, I feel. But it is so good to have Megan here. (my family is of course wonderful as well! that was just an assumed and unspoken whatnot).

Life on the other side of the world. Ahhhhh.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


I made it, safe and sound. The day of traveling was long, but ok. I caught the end of the Germany game in the airport. I can't believe we lost like that! Dang it! I was so sad.

Today I am unpacking and doing lots and lots of laundry. I've realized I have way too much crap and need to clean out some stuff. Just like spring cleaning, only, well yeah, in July. : )

I am so tired. Holy cow.

I am already missing Germany like mad. I think I just need time to readjust. I was so sad to leave yesterday. I hadn't thought much about it and then it just hit me all at once and wow. Talk about the waterworks! It was really hard leaving E.

Megan and my aunt both come to town tomorrow. There's so much to do. But all I want to do is lay in the sun and sleep. lol.
Maybe later.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Darn Punctual and Efficient Germans

All right. So I planned on getting up at the butt crack of dawn to do some stuff since I was only supposed to have electricity until sometime between 10 and 12. Now, at home this would mean by 11:50 or so they would cut the power, however, not in Germany. No siree Bob. I slept in a bit late, got up at 8:30 and went into the bathroom and flipped the switch. Nothing. I tried again in my sleepy state. Hmm, that's odd. Yep, the Germans cut it way before they were supposed to.

My solution? Showering in the dark. Now, it would have been much more practical if I had a window in the bathroom. Lol. After awhile your eyes adjust and it's kinda fun. Maybe like camping or something. If I leave my bathroom door open and the curtains in my room open, just enough light seeps into the little bathroom and I can see a bit. Ahhhh, the joys of moving. : D

I had to sit on my suitcase to close it. Hmmm. Yep, that one's definitely over weight. Luckily E will be helping me with the carrying of the monster bags. And he's a dear b/c he's given me his room for the afternoon so I can actually get some things done, like the things I had planned on doing earlier when I was supposed to have electricity still. lol. Ok, ok, I'm complaining. Sorry. Am stopping right now.

So in 24 hours I'll be on my way home. Can't wait to see everyone. Am going to miss it here like mad. I expect way huge hugs when I get home. I'm taking Danny Tanner (Full House) hugs.

Hope everyone is well and I'll see you soon. Oh, my cell number is the same, so feel free to ring me as of Wednesday.

Mwa! : )

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Packing. Grrr.

The pics: Me in the teachers' lounge, E and the boys, view from the teachers' lounge, my 12 LK, and E and I. : )

* * *

I did a trial run on the packing yesterday. Today I am starting over. lol. Hm.

I can't believe the games yesterday! France actually beat Brazil, and Portugal beat England! I thought both games would be just the opposite. However, I am a bit miffed by the way the referees didn't count the English goal during the shoot out. So dumb.

Last night we watched the first game at Thursty Nelly's, as usual, then E and his friends and I hit the Glockencafe for some typical yummy German food and watched the second game there. But we mostly talked, which was really great! Sometimes I feel a bit of a lack of intellectual stimulation, and it was great to have a real conversation. And the Dutch don't seem to attack the U.S. government like the Germans (sorry for the generalization, but it's usually true! you know I still love the Germans). It was really nice. E's friends are quite cool.

Today they are off to Bingen to take a Rhine River ride, and I am packing and cleaning. Tonight is dinner at Thomas's and then we are going out for drinks at the Pub, a sort of farewell. So sad!!! I'm also sad that Germany is playing the semi final on Tuesday when I'm traveling!!! Nooooooo!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Semi Finals Here We Come!!!

I can't believe we (I am counting myself as German) beat Argentina last night! That was so stinking cool. I mean, of course I was for Germany, but Very cool. The town was crazy with people celebrating.

E's friends are in town and they all wore orange Holland shirts, which meant all night Germans were going by singing "Ohne Holland...." (without Holland, we're going to Berlin). But E is such a good sport! He and his friends agreed to pose with a cardboard German player. lol. He just laughs about it.

Yesterday was also my last day at work. I've really enjoyed working there this year. A very cool job. I will miss my kids so much! And the teachers, too.

I've packed some boxes to send, and oh dear goodness gracious are they heavy!!! I need to do a trail run today with packing to make sure I can fit everything. Yikes.

Happy July!