Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Woe is my eye...sniffle sniffle

I went to the eye doctor yesterday and somehow, against all medical textbooks, I have gone to a +1.75. That is being far-sighted. I have never been far-sighted before, and my eye has no idea what to do. Perhaps that is why I can't see to read? I asked the doc if this is normal, to which he said no, and in 15 years of practice has never seen anything like it. The eye is healing well, and there is no reason whatsoever that I should be seeing that dramatic of a change. So now I am wearing a contact that is helping, but reading is still a challenge. Which is even more fun with Uni now in session.

And irony of all ironies? I got a card from my surgeon in the mail today saying he hopes we got it this time and thanking me for my patience. I just wanted to immediately respond, no, we didn't get it and I would really, really appreciate it if I could see well and read. I asked my doc if there was anything I could do, and he said just wait and see. Sigh. Nothing new here.

On a happier note, I'm off to SF tomorrow to see Meegan! Juhu! : )

Oh, Lisa had Lasik today so I hope it all went well!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Oh how the weekend flew by!

Megan came to visit me this weekend (YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and I hadn't seen her in over a year. It was really great. We were lazy bums and watched tv and hung out. And ok, I guess she wasn't that lazy b/c she got up and ran for three hours (about 20 miles) this morning. But other than that we were bums. It was really, really, really great to see her!!!!!!

And yes, Kate, I knew that was you even without identifying yourself, b/c other than me, I don't know who else says "dude", and when you mentioned Yuko and Kensuke I figured no one else was in Japan. You know Kelly leaves for Japan Sept. 11th, but I don't know what part of the country she will be in.

And next weekend I am off to San Francisco to see Megan! Then the traveling will halt for a bit. Hopefully I will get a job really soon and I can see well enough to work on thesis stuff since the assignments have already started (though Uni officially starts tomorrow). Sheesh.

: )

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Update time.

I'm applying to be a substitute teacher in a few areas. It's a bit longer of an application process than I had imagined so I've not completed them yet. Haven't done the fingerprinting or gotten my TB test read But hopefully in two weeks I will be working some!

Classes start the last week of August. I think.

And today my vision is so blurry it's actually double. Impressive. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo completely ready for good vision. I really hope it comes soon.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


I saw the nice eye doctor this morning and he said my eye is healing wonderfully and ahead of schedule so I am allowed outside again and in the pool again! Yay! Talk about good news!

Dad and I enjoyed some pool time today and the water was 30 C for those of you over in northern Europe, in the cold, frozen tundra (as Megan and I like to call it!). Couldn't resist rubbing that one in.

I'm still waiting to start on my thesis until I can read decently, but I need to really kick it in gear b/c one of my advisers is moving in January. And no, no job yet, but I'm thinking of subbing.

That's it for now! : )

Sunday, August 03, 2008


Mario and Joe dancing.

Monica and Abigail.

Monica and Joe sharing a napkin. On their heads. Totally sober. Nice.

Last night I finally got to get some salsa in! Monica and I tried out a new place, Bacchanalia's (that was not easy to find, I think most people got lost getting there!). There was lots of room to dance, and some great people were there. We even got Joe to try out salsa for the first time and he rocked! Janet was modest about her abilities, but she was looking pretty good as well.

Man I missed the people here and the salsa dancing! : )

Monica is in the other room doing stuff for Namibia. Pretty dang exciting. Can't believe she leaves this December!

As for my vision, there are moments/hours of clarity, and then lots of blurriness. Monica assures me this is progress.