Sunday, January 22, 2006

January's Turkey Day

Finally I've had a proper (almost) Thanksgiving! Heide had a Thanksgiving lunch at her place today, with a real turkey and four Americans. We had Knoedel instead of mashed potatoes (they're like balls of potato stuff with spices that are almost boiled), real cranberry sauce, gravy, stuffing, corn, and yummy brownies made by Chuck and I! We brought back ingredients from the U.S. to make them quite tasty.

There was good conversation, the Amis could speak a bit of German. Sadly the man has lived here 30 years and teaches German at the American high school and has a BA in German, but his German was, well, um, at least he tried. It snowed just a tiny bit. Very festive.

Tomorrow I'm doing a class on the Northeast and am taking in pics from Megan's and mine's trip last March. That should be fun. The kids enjoy that sort of thing. And I'm dog-sitting after school!!!

Uh-oh, am expected elsewhere, must be off! Tschuess!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I'm glad you can use your trips from the northeast :D...miss you tons kate!!!