Monday, January 23, 2006

Russian Invasion

That's right, we've been invaded! Or at least the Russian weather has made its way to our green-loving Deutschland. Luckily the sun prevailed today, and by nine o'clock it was finally almost up in the sky! A whopping -18 C today folks! For those of you with a Fahrenheit based mind, that's 0 F. Despite my four layers, two pairs of socks (one being ski woolies) and scarf, hat and coat, my fingers managed to go numb and come back to life with a fiery evil! Of course, I did ride my bike across town to dog sit. I'm being a bum tonight and not facing the cold. I refuse to hike up the hill in the dark and cold for ballroom, especially when I have another one tomorrow.

If anyone has seen Memoirs of a Geisha, I would recommend the book. It's much better. Though I enjoyed the movie.

How are energy prices over there? Being affected by the Iran issue yet?

So Angie was in the U.S. recently and I heard Bush took her out to eat. Awww, it's nice to see our countries playing nice!

Hope all are well!

: )

1 comment:

Megan said...

Hi kate...good job staying warm :)...I think I might have to read the book when i get some spare time..ha ha...spare time :) who has that?