Sunday, November 26, 2006


My big news for the week is that I am being let go at work. Hmmm. So I'm on the hunt. Any suggestions? Maybe something fun, or where I would learn something cool.

Also, two weeks til semester is over. So it's craziness time. Just two weeks, then I can relax for a few. Oh yeah.

Turkey Day at Auntie's was good. I can't believe how warm it's been. I love this weather.

Oh, did I mention the way hot boots I got last week? (when I still had a job)

And once semester is over I am so ready to go see Meegan. I can't wait!!!!!!


emotionalrangeofateaspoon said...

That sucks that you're being let go. Don't you just hate the working world? What are you going to do? I'm so jealous you're going to see Megan! I'm so floating away from everyone. :)

I got the book. I will write in it soon.

Good luck with the hunt!

Megan said...

Kate...maybe try going to a temp agency since you're probably not going to be in the country long...they might be able to get you something that pays even if it's not very exciting...and can come visit're not floating away! :)