Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Update time.

I'm applying to be a substitute teacher in a few areas. It's a bit longer of an application process than I had imagined so I've not completed them yet. Haven't done the fingerprinting or gotten my TB test read yet....lol. But hopefully in two weeks I will be working some!

Classes start the last week of August. I think.

And today my vision is so blurry it's actually double. Impressive. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo completely ready for good vision. I really hope it comes soon.


Anonymous said...

hey dude. substitute teacher, hey? i can see you as a teacher. what's with the eyes, man? i hope they start sorting themselves out! i'm going to see yuko, mana and kensuke tomorrow! how exciting!

Anonymous said...

oops, that was me - kate (version oz) - by the way. haha.