Tuesday, April 11, 2006

From Trip to Trip

Last weekend in Augsburg was good. We saw Augsburg, Munich, and a bit of Nudi's village. The time flew by and yesterday was spent getting ready for today, and in an hour I'm catching various forms of public transportation to get to Italy by this evening. Juhu!

I get back late Saturday night. Then I'll be here and will put some pics online.

There is actually sun outside my window this morning, though I'm not sure it's too warm. But it will be warm in Pescara! Hee hee. I'm excited.

Hope all is well across the big pond.

: )


Megan said...

enjoy italy for all of us kate!!!

Anonymous said...

my name is Maureen and I am from Kansas. My newly married daughter and husband are going to be stationed in germany at the Air Force base in sembach. Can you give her any information about the area? Are you familiar with the Air Force base? They are scared and excited at the same time to be in Germany, just alot of unknowns. Thanks for your help.