Saturday, April 01, 2006


It's Market Day again! Yay! This morning it was warm and sunny, but quickly turned cooler and rainy. However, I made it to the open market, which I love. I got lots of fresh vegies, fruit, cheeses and bread, then decided to help myself to a yummy Wurst for breakfast/lunch. Normally I really like the red ones, so I walked around until I found a not so busy stand and ordered one. As I waited, two of Chuck's roomies walked by and said hello. They decided to get a Wurst as well. As we got the Wurst and were ready to dig in, Stephan goes, "you know it's horse, right?" Stop. Um. No? "No way," I said. "No really, it's horse, look." He pointed to the sign and sure enough, it said Horse Specialities. Oh dear. Ew. Mom would be so disappointed!

So you are now wondering, did she eat it? Did she get some normal pig? Surely she couldn't eat it, knowing what it was! Well, darn it, I'm here to try new things, and I'd already paid for it and sloshed some mustard on it. I took a bite while making a face. Mmmm. Chewy. Tastes like.......pork, actually. Not bad. The idea did gross me out quite a bit, but hey. Then the rest of the day I've been burping up horse after taste, which also kinda grosses me out.

Tonight we're doing our group dinner at Chuck's. Should be great fun! I actually must go now to help him prepare.

Oh, I found some interesting things out in my own research on German/Turkish relations and integration today. I was quite surprised. Hmmmm.

Hope everyone is well!

: )


Megan said...

It's good to hear you're enjoying new things kate
keep being brave :D

Megan said...
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