Tuesday, May 06, 2008


Hey all! This week is flying by and there's still so much to do! I am working on proof-reading another master's thesis (no, not my own), and between school, appointments and getting things ready for Spain it is craziness. But in a good way. Also, a friend from Tuebingen, Alexandra, is in town and I am seeing her Thursday. Haven't seen her in years, so it will be great to catch up!

Then Friday morning I leave at the butt crack of dawn. My resort is in the absolute middle of nowhere Spain (Caceres, Spain, where I am actually staying in a huge national park with lots of raptors and other interesting wildlife). You can check out where I'll be here: http://www.hospederiasdeextremadura.es/default.aspx?h=2&lang=1 or here as the second location: http://www.vaughntown.com/EnglishNew/towns.asp#monfrague

I've decided against taking my laptop because it is simply too much to haul. So I do not think I will have access to people while I am there. If you really need me, you can always call my cell. +49 175 66 22 699, or if you are calling from the U.S., 011 49 175 66 22 699. I'll be home Saturday the 17th.


Marine momma said...

HI KATE. Hey girlie you have a great time in Spain. We love and miss you. Be good. :)

Aunt Shirley

Anonymous said...

Hey Daughter of Mine! Enjoy yourself,,,,silly me,,,,of course you'll enjoy yourself! Hey, drink a local wine and let me know how it was...I envy and am so proud of you!


Afghani Daddy

Megan said...

That place looks absolutely amazing...when you come to cali, you'll have to bring a cd of pictures to look at!