Thursday, May 29, 2008

Next Trip

I'm off to Portugal to see Rita bright and early tomorrow (really early, as I'm getting up at 3:30!). And I'll be back late Monday night.

Dan, just so you know, I spent almost the entire day doing homework. : )

I know I didn't post pics from Brussels on this site, but I think I sent most people a link to them. If you didn't get it, let me know and I'll send it.

This is my last big trip for awhile, so I should actually be around after this! I think some people are also coming to visit, so that will be a good change.

I'm glad Dad is home safe and sound, if even if meant getting fired because of some anger challenged man punching him. Hmmmm. Dad, you're quite creative!

I checked the weather report for Hamburg and Lisbon, and here it's supposed to be really warm and sunny, there cooler and rainy. You think after three hours of flying south to Portugal I would get warm weather!

: )


Megan said...

Have a fun, safe trip!

Anonymous said...

Heck, if I had known that stepping in front of a fist would get me home early,,,,,I would have done it long ago!