Thursday, July 17, 2008


So people actually DO read this thing! lol. Thanks, guys!

I went to the eye doctor today and he said he wants to try one more operation so next Friday I'm going to try it for the last time. This one is a bit more painful than the last, but hopefully the results will be better.

Dan's band was playing up at The Legends tonight so I went up there. Guess I could put some pics up of that too! I've been busy settling back in, but I promise pics will come soon!

The weather is hot and sunny and I'm in heaven. I also feel incredibly spoiled to have things like a dishwasher and washer and dryer. Ahhhh, how I've missed them!

I miss you guys back in Germany, naturally! Sorry your weather sucks, you should take it as a hint to come visit!

: )

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