Friday, July 07, 2006

Jet Lag

So I'm massively jet-lagging it. I didn't think it would be so much coming back. But I've been sleeping a ton and have been exhausted. Rosa helped me unpack the first day back so that was really great. However, I still have a few drawers to straighten out b/c we just emptied my bags. And I really, really need to reorganize my closet. It is a danger zone like you wouldn't believe! I need to throw things out and reject my pack rat tendencies, but it's just so hard! Rosa lent me the book He's Just Not That Into You and I am laughing my head off. Great, really. I would highly recommend it to any fabulous woman who is having trouble with many Mr. Wrongs, or just anyone in need of a laugh.

Megan and I have been lazy bums. We've rented movies, eaten ice cream and laid by the pool. My pale self is loving the sunlight and just begging for more. I plan to oblige tomorrow.

The readjusting here is going to take some time, I feel. But it is so good to have Megan here. (my family is of course wonderful as well! that was just an assumed and unspoken whatnot).

Life on the other side of the world. Ahhhhh.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Hi Kate, its Mary. There is another free domestic phone service that has low overseas rates.