Saturday, July 01, 2006

Semi Finals Here We Come!!!

I can't believe we (I am counting myself as German) beat Argentina last night! That was so stinking cool. I mean, of course I was for Germany, but Very cool. The town was crazy with people celebrating.

E's friends are in town and they all wore orange Holland shirts, which meant all night Germans were going by singing "Ohne Holland...." (without Holland, we're going to Berlin). But E is such a good sport! He and his friends agreed to pose with a cardboard German player. lol. He just laughs about it.

Yesterday was also my last day at work. I've really enjoyed working there this year. A very cool job. I will miss my kids so much! And the teachers, too.

I've packed some boxes to send, and oh dear goodness gracious are they heavy!!! I need to do a trail run today with packing to make sure I can fit everything. Yikes.

Happy July!

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