Friday, July 18, 2008


Dad picked me up from the airport Tuesday. As I was going on about something, we stepped outside and he tried to get my attention so I would look forward and I was all, what? Then it took me a moment to process. Standing across the street beside a limo were Mom, Auntie, Lexi, Dusty and Lisa, and Danny and Rona! I about fell over! I definitely wasn't expecting anything like that!

We took the limo to Overland Park and ate some delicious Japanese food.

The next two pics are more random. The first is of Dan playing at Legends last night.

And the last one is for Emma Jane. It has the Progress of the Mullet. As well as pic of our new bumper boats! Oh yeah!

It's good to be home.


Megan said...

Good to know you are home safe! I'm sure your family will agree...don't leave again too soon :D

Anonymous said...

Hey Emma! The mullet is doing fine and I'm sure Kate will take many pictures of it this summer!

Marine momma said...

Hi Kate. Aunt Shirley here. I love the pics. Hey Jereme is bringing a Hookah home from Iraq for Adam and Niki, how funny to see one on your blog. I am so excited about my Jereme coming home in about a month, he has been i Iraq way too long. And since he reenlisted, after Christmas he and Tammy will move to GA. Closer for momma to drive then CA. so I am excited about that too. You and your dad have a great time at the parties. I love you honey, be good, Aunt Shirley