Friday, February 12, 2010

The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain...

Como lluvia en al agua fria.....

It's been an unusual winter for southern Spain. We've had much more rain than is normal, and it's been really chilly! It seemed to be warming up the past few days, but today came with pouring rain and wind and a strong chill. It feels like winter again, and my China store umbrella is not up to the challenge! Luckily I only had one class. I've been holed up in mi casa most of the day, working on things and reading. And studying for my big Spanish test on Monday.

It is Carneval time, but the only place they really celebrate it in Spain is in the very south, in Cadiz. Which seems like a combination of Halloween and Carneval to me, since everyone dresses up in random costumes. But the celebration there is also well-known for its singing competitions during Carneval. Sadly I missed them, but it's quite a big deal.

I think this will be a quiet weekend spent with books, maybe a few trips to cafes, and some studying. I'm enjoying it already.

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