Thursday, November 03, 2005

And the Dumb Foreigner Award goes to.....

Me!!! Ok, so I thought I had this uni thing all figured out. I even got to the uni early and parked and locked up my bike (after walking it halfway up the long hill and asking someone where the building was b/c it was dark) and made it to the room with plenty of time. First one there. Then the next student arrived, and just to double check, I asked if it was French. Yes, indeed. Then I asked if he had the book. Yes, it was stated online. Darn it! I missed that. Strike one. Then he asked if I had enrolled for it. Um, we were supposed to do that? Yes. Strike two. And then it turned out that I was in French 5, not French 1. Strike three. That makes me out. So yes, they helped me find that French 1 is on Tuesdays during ballroom dance (I found a partner yesterday! We haven't danced together yet, but at least he's willing to try. I'm excited.). Dear goodness.

So I went back down to my bike, shaking my head and laughing at myself all the while. You'd think by now I'd have the system figured out. In all fairness, the website I looked at had a G1 by it, which I thought meant Grundstufe 1. I think there was something wrong with the website. Or rather, there were so many with the same and different French classes, it's quite confusing. I thought I had it figured out, but obviously not.

In the end, what is more important? French or ballroom? Difficult, but I chose ballroom. Plus, the French class is extra. lol. Maybe it's a big fat sign that I'm just not meant to take French. Or that I need to learn to read a German uni course catalog. Both seem like fairly good possibilities.

Meegan: Yes, I learned my lesson in Tueb. The Schwarzfahren (yes, you spelled it correctly) was necessary and I was very unhappy about it, but it was that or miss our plane home. At the time I didn't realize the consequence could be jail.

Sammy: I secretly love wearing scarves and had a bunch at home, but here the people wear scarves everyday and I love it b/c I can too without being some scarf freak. It's actually normal! Good stuff.

Well that's the excitement for today.

1 comment:

Megan said...

darn, i thought you were schwarzfahring out of nostaligia for the good old days :)...BIG hugs