Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Ich darf aber bleiben!

Mein Visum ist endlich erledigt! Juhu! Ich darf hier bleiben. Was fuer ein schoner Tag, ge'?

Ok, so I got my visa today. About time! I'm very excited. I'm allowed to stay in the country until the 15th of July.

I also bought spices today. That might seem odd to be excited about spices, but it was time. It is difficult to cook in my little room, but it was simply time to get the necessities to make proper meals. Especially so I can make my own spaghetti sauce!

Also got paid. Relief. However, I don't think they've been taking the rent from my account. That is not good. I mean, yes, I'd like to not have to pay, but if I have to pay three months at once...yikes.

Right now I'm taking a Kaffeepause (coffee break). What would life be like without a daily afternoon coffee/tea/hot chocolate and cookie/cake break? These Germans know what they're doing when it comes to afternoon Pausen.

Tonight there is a ballroom meeting at the Uni. I'm taking my bike b/c it will be later and the busses don't come very often. However, it is up a big hill and I'm not convinced I can make it up. Sadly I might have to walk the bike up. Wouldn't that be amusing? I hope it stops raining, or that could make it twice as fun! lol.

Other than that not too much new going on here. It's still unseasonably warm. So no complaints. With all the trees here the leaves fall like mad and I love it.

The other day I was walking through the city when I heard someone belting out this Italian opera sounding song. An older gentleman, standing on the corner, his only companion a worn black music box. I was mesmerized. I stopped right there and watched and listened to him. He was really into it and the sound that came out of him was breathtaking.

Today as I was again walking in the Altstadt, I heard pretty violins. There were two men dressed up, under an overhang to protect them from the drizzle, and they were playing wonderful music. The kind that makes you think of Eastern Europe. Right there in the middle of the busy shopping street. Just like the movies!

1 comment:

Megan said...

it's good you got your visa and it's good you have music...i love the scarves as well :)