Sunday, June 10, 2007


Monica and I had a good weekend. We went out salsa dancing on Friday, which was great until the end when there was a fight and the place shut down. Then Saturday we got up early, went down to the City Market, got some great vegetables, coffee, and jewelry, then checked out the Dragon Festival by the Plaza. We also got stuck in the Rock Fest traffic, which was crazy! But I hear it was a good time.
Then last night Monica got a flat tire near my house, but luckily Super Dad was there to help and he changed the tire faster than we could have. I was highly amused by the grill (along with various things) that Monica keeps in her truck. I knew she was always prepared, but dang!
And she starts moving in this week. Good stuff. : )

1 comment:

Megan said...

Great pictures from the festival :)