Monday, March 31, 2008

Jet-lagged and busy

Hello all. My net still isn't working so I am "borrowing" someone's when I can get it.

Last night was quite fitfull. I'm feeling a bit better today but definitely jet-lagging. However, I have been ueber productive today because I had a ton of errands to run. I have already done laundry (at the laundromat), bought a light bulb for my room, groceries, toilet paper (there was next to none in my place when I arrived...dear goodness, Oh...don't forget, you have to go to different places for all of these things. It's not like I hit Wal-Mart and knocked everything out. Then I had to get my glasses tightened, money on my phone, rent money for Angelina, and I still need to clean (I am going to get on that soon b/c my place is gross!). My big concern is my bus pass, which I am not sure how to get. However, it expires today. I might have to head down to the Uni to ask around. But first cleaning. I can't take it anymore!

On another note, the weather is nice again. Only partly cloudy (ok, so mostly cloudy, I'm trying to be optimistic!) and practically a heat wave at 54 F. I feel like it's almost balmy! ; ) Melanie had told me that when I returned it would be spring, and I highly doubted it b/c come on, it's Germany, but maybe it really is spring. I am not convinced though, I'll wait a bit longer b/c I heard the weather report for tomorrow. Not springy. But today is nice so I will have to enjoy it!

All of you at home, it was soooooooooooo great seeing you! The time I was home passed so incredibly quickly. I'm looking forward to summer and having lots of great pool parties!

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