Tuesday, September 01, 2009

A Crash Course in Teaching

Ok, so that´s not exactly true, but we did give our first lesson today to real students, with our fellow peers and tutor evaluating us as we taught. I got to go first. Lol. We will be told usually about 2 PM the day before what we´ll be teaching, then we have to prepare it that day. Including handouts, presentation, activities, etc. Therefore, a lot of us will probably be at the school until 7 or so most nights. It is definitely a bit intensive, but good.

The heat has been interesting. It feels like you´re in a sauna most of the day. You just keep sweating. I´ve not really slept much since I´ve been here. Last night my room was a chilly 87 F, and the night before it was honestly 95 F in my room. I just laid there, sweating. The Spaniards say in a week or so the heat should break (although today was cooler), and it will be nicer.

Our shower does this funny thing where it won´t stay hot or cold, but constantly switches from extremes. Almost like a game. Lol.

Both of my roommates speak Spanish and English, which is really useful, because not many people here speak Spanish. That does make everyday tasks just a wee bit harder. Unless I take Mark or Laura.

I really thought I had more to say, but right now my stomach is growling something fierce, so I think I´ll walk home and eat something. I´m so not on Spanish eating time. Although Laura and I did eat dinner at 10 PM last night, which is normal here. It just took forever to plan my lesson and buy groceries.

Bye for now!

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