Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Monica and I are getting a new roomie. She is going to be working/interning at Robin's and is a DC. She will be here next week through the beginning of October. Thankfully she is a professed neat freak. I think we'll get along fine.

However, that means that Monica and I need to fix the spare room that has been in remodeling limbo for the past two years asap. We made a crazy run to Home Depot tonight to get some supplies just before it closed. We hadn't decided on a color beforehand, but chose cornflower blue in about five minutes. It was that or provence. But that seemed a bit intense. I still want to do a texture but that might have to wait. And my idea of using Venetian plastering was a bit more than I realized, so we're putting that on hold. Sadly we still need to Killz. Let the pre-painting begin!

And just for you Megan, I was eating some of Monica's left over salad and then noticed some leaves were a bit fuzzy. Can you say mold? Um, yeah. So I threw that away. I feel like somehow mold and I are karmacially linked (and you too).

We caught a mouse this morning. One furry new friend down. Hopefully none to go. Monica was kind enough to dispose of it. I didn't tell the new roomie we have rodents. Does that make me a bad future roommate? I'm sure there is some kind of pre-roomie etiquette that I have breached. Bad me.

My youngest German girl's reaction to my new piercing...."ewwwwwwwwwwww!"

1 comment:

Megan said...

Well I think the piercing is awsome, hopefully no more mice for you.