Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Non-chocolate chocolate

Ok Megan, so last night we tried the Choco Pretzels, which are, by the way, GREEN. Um, not so chocolately. I think I'm missing something. They are still highly interesting, but I can't quite call the taste chocolate. Lol. I love stuff from foreign countries! The rest of the German choc is quite good. And the mini sausage stuff is all marzipan, you know how I love that! Actually, she had included another thing of mini Bratwurst and sauce, but I ate those before you asked for the pictures. lol.

So I met this guy. He's adorable, sweet, quiet, reddish brown hair. His name is Joey and I am smitten. Completely. And I just met him a few days ago! I saw him today and was trying to play it cool, which I was utterly failing at, when it occurred to me that he likes Sarah better. Because he would be hanging out with me, and then I'd find him trotting over to her and begging for attention. Plus, he is much more affectionate with her than with me. Still, he lets me hold him lots. Did I mention that Joey is about six inches tall and the cutest little dog I've ever seen? hee hee. Sadly, he goes home tomorrow because he was just boarding at work. Sigh. I thought of getting a stuff dog and putting it in his case and taking him, but I have the sneaking suspicion his owners would notice. Alas, I will remain sans dog. For now.

I'm meeting the acupuncturists for dinner. I'm so hungry! : )

Oh, and Monica is planning to come see me over Christmas this winter, and we are thinking of visiting Rita in Portugal. We'll have to see, but the idea of Christmas in Portugal is too stinking cool!


Megan said...

I am so jealous! That will be an amazing trip.

Unknown said...

Wow, daughter, if we aren't careful, people will begin to talk about us! Your and your puppies, me and the camel and the donkey and the......well, let's not go there just yet!

I don't think there is a history of animal husbandry in the family.....Okay, there is your uncle Butch....