Thursday, August 23, 2007

Dad left today. He called me from Atlanta. Then he was headed to Amsterdam, then Dubai, then Kabul. So he'll be traveling for approx. two days. We had such a great visit and I really loved having him here, so letting him go was hard. But I'm looking forward to February and Jamaica, as well as next summer when we're going to live it up.

Tomorrow I start my new job. People keep asking me if I'm excited. Not really. It's a job, an 8-5. I don't think it will be bad and the people are pleasant, but I'm not jumping up and down. : ) Still, it is a nice place.

I visited with my academic advisor today and she was helpful thesis-wise. That is good. I suppose it is time to jump in.

I feel like I'm ready to be done with school. Am I done yet? I'm ready for a few years off, perhaps living abroad and teaching English and writing. Sounds good to me! Guess I'd better finish that MA first....


Megan said...

Go Kate go, you can do it! :) What did she tell you about your thesis? I'm very curious.

Unknown said...

It was so funny in Atlanta! Just sitting there and remembered I had a cell phone, weird, hadn't carried one in sooooo long!

Get your butt to Italy so I can come visit! I'm studying the language. lol