Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Girl Friday

So I'm definitely the Girl Friday. I got a job at a Catholic high school today. I start Friday. The funny thing is, they didn't interview anyone else, and the moment I walked into the non air-conditioned building in my full suit, they acted as though I already had the job. I was a bit confused. But ok. That was the easiest interview I've yet to have. No complaints here!

As of Friday I a regular 8-5 person, fighting the traffic and wearing business clothes (do I feel a shopping trip comingup?). Ahhh, the typical life. Boring, eh? Thank goodness it's only two months. The funny part is that I'll be doing a lot of computer work, though I can barely see a pc right now. Crack me up.

It seems that since Dad left my house has become the happening and desired place. I've recently received several offers from people wanting to move in with me for certain periods of time. I don't think I have enough room to accomodate all the requests!

Did I already mention we are closing the pool early? Sadness. Sniffle.

Dad is leaving Thursday and I also find that depressing. It has been really great having him here. But I know he needs to go back. I mean, if he stays, who will pay for me Lasik? ; ) Just kidding! Sheesh. I'm not THAT horrible.

Monica started school again today and I was oh-so-thankful it wasn't me. However, I am still the slacker who has yet to really start her thesis work. It's kind of like some annoying kid sitting next to me and poking me from time to time. I wish it would go away but I can't really make it b/c I have to do it, but all the same it's a dreadful thing to think about.

My nightly startbursts are amazing. I look at lights at night and they are bigger than I ever could have imagined. Very interesting.

Meegan, pics. Yes, I should add those. Good point. Call me, would you? I miss you!

That's my update for now. I suppose it's good I am starting another job. I can't stay a lazy bum forever, right? ; )

1 comment:

Megan said...

Congrats on the job, enjoy those hours :) I went to a non-air conditioned catholic highschool when I was in highschool, of course the bay area has slightly kinder weather than the midwest. What exactly do you do in your job? I'll try to call tonight, so sorry I haven't yet, I printed out a bunch of applications yesterday for school. I'm going to start work on them this weekend and on my way to Thailand!