Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Back to Work

Today it was back to work. I only did a half day at Ward (which was good b/c my eyes were giving me a headache by then!) and I got to tutor, which is always delightful.

I have exciting news. Dad will be in Hamburg October 31st through November 11th!!!!!! Yay! I can't wait! And he got the Jamaica dates approved, too, so we should be lying on sandy beaches come late February. That also means I will get a few weeks off back at home since break falls right in there. Perfect, no?

The student housing apartment seems iffy, but I don't see that much of a good choice at the moment.

Doctor appointment tomorrow to see where the right eye is and if they can take out the contact. Ever sleep with contacts in? You know how you wake up and it's all dry and painful? lol. At least it's not boring. : )

I can't believe how little time I have left here! I think Monica and I are going to make Sept. 29th substitute Turkey Day. A quiet little celebratory gathering.

Glad to hear Megan and the family and Travis are doing better!

: )

Oh! And my research project was officially approved by the Human Subjects Committee Lawrence!! Juhu! hee hee. : P

1 comment:

Megan said...

Congrats on getting approved, so what exactly are you going to be researching?:)