Friday, September 14, 2007

Surgery went ok. After they got me in the room and on the table the doc said he wanted to take another look, so we went back into his exam room and he said things didn't add up. So he looked again, and said the growth was on the outside of the eye, not the inside, which is very rare. Therefore they changed procedures and instead of opening the eye back up, he scraped off a part of the outside of the eye and said it would grow back. It was all wrinkly/wavy and should be smooth, and that is why I couldn't see well out of it. He put a contact bandaid on it and gave me prescription drops and pills, and I have a seven a.m. post-op tomorrow. Yikes.

However, he said it will take a few weeks to know if my eye is ok and if the vision is right. So right now I'm even more blurry in the right eye. I am hoping this works!

AND, Monica bought her plane ticket to visit me over Christmas. She arrives on December 20th and leaves on January 1st. I am so glad she is coming to visit me, she will get to see Germany at a lovely, if not freezing, time.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is so cool that Monica is coming to visit you! Wow, I'm going to visit, then Monica, then you'll be coming home for quite a while, hopefully, we'll be going to Jamaica. I'll write you an email on that later. Then, I'll probably quit this job two weeks early and stop off in Germany in June before going home.....