Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Test Run

I did a first test run of packing tonight and realized I am going to have to do it again. Oh dear. I finished getting presents today (mostly Christmas) so please, no one ask for anything else! I just can't fit another thing. Heck, I can't even fit all of my stuff. The problem is that I am trying to bring a lot of my clothes/stuff home b/c it is really expensive to ship it, and I want to leave a bunch at home. But the bags just never seem big enough. So Sunday I will do another run with the packing. I'm sure I can fit more into the big backpack Emma lent me.

Today Emma and I walked to town (combining our exercise with errands) to finish up the last of my purchases to bring home. I also worked a bit on my paper and now have ten pages done. But there is still a long way to go on it. Emma is leaving for England tomorrow for a long weekend, so it was the last time I'll see her before I leave. Most of my friends are gone this weekend, which I guess is good, because then I can just focus on the paper and getting ready to leave town. Plus, I am babysitting Sunday night, so that ought to be fun!

I am taking questionnaires to a class tomorrow, FINALLY getting onto some research for my thesis. The funny thing is that it is an English class, and I have been asked if I can stay and talk with the kids a bit. Sure! I mean, I was a Fremdsprachenassistentin in Landstuhl, so it's nothing new to me. : )

I feel like there is so much to do before I leave!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kiddo, if you have to ship some stuff home, just do it after you get back. After all, you do have my charge card! :))

If I don't talk to you before you leave, have a good flight. Check out your Aunt Shirley's blog, she posted a picture of Patty before her surgery. (she ever takes a pic like that of me, I'll sick Bin Laden on her!)

Megan said...

I know you can pack more into that suitcase Kate...I'm sure I tought you well :D I remember throwing books away at the airport when trying to bring things home and now I think it's really funny. But I know you'll find a way to fit everything!

Kate said...

Oh Meegan, you are so right. You have taught me everything I know about packing. I will repack this weekend, and this time, it will be successful!

And if not, I'll mail stuff home in July. : D

Megan said...

Good job, I know you have it in you :D