Saturday, January 23, 2010

Laundry in the rain...

I woke up and heard the lovely sound of rain, not a usual sound in Seville (other than that freakishly prolonged period of rain we had for a few weeks!). It reminded me of being home. I was warm and cozy in my new bed and smiled. Then I realized I'd hung my laundry up on the roof to dry last night. Shit.

I contemplated getting out of my warm bed and taking my laundry down in the pouring rain. But where would I put it? For about five minutes I mentally weighed the pros and cons and retrieving my laundry. Eventually I just rolled over and snuggled further into my blankets.

It's still raining now and my laundry's still up there and I've resolved to leave it. I have, however, decided against doing more laundry at the moment, as I had originally planned. Sounds like a reasonable compromise to me. And I still lack water proof shoes. Most unfortunate.

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