Sunday, January 31, 2010


As sad as it is to admit this tragic fact, I think tapas will be my downfall. They are delicious and amazing and mouth-watering and usually not on the side of healthy. Usually they are heavily fried in lots of olive oil and crunchy and salty and the minute you take a bite you just want to eat more.

I've noticed my jeans are more snug than I would like, and I'm starting to dread swimsuit season. The obvious solution is unbearable - give up tapas! Eat my healthy, home cooked meals of vegies and whole wheat pasta. And for heaven's sake, start working out more! This last bit I can do. Today Holly and I biked for an hour. We also bought lots of fruit and veg at the Chinese store. In an attempt to be healthy. And no, no tapas today.

But you walk by those cafes and the smell drifts over to you and you're hooked! Because you know how tasty those treats are, and you see other people enjoying and indulging and not having issues with their pants fitting and you think, what the heck, just one more?

Oh, tapas! Thank goodness we don't have them at home. :)

On another note, last night was quite eventful! Holly, Meghan and I were out getting dinner and a crazy man was there and they the security guys were roughly shoving him into a room and then the police arrived on little mopeds! You'd think it was the only problem in the whole city, so many cops arrived! We pulled up better chairs and watched the scene unfold. The hippie, dread-locked haired man with clown pants yelled and waved him arms, then laid on the ground and prayed. Then he was up again yelling and arguing with the cops. Half an hour later nothing had changed and it was getting chilly so we left. Later that night we went to the new Moroccan hookah bar and smoked hookah. Then a real live belly dancer came out and it was quite a show. What a night!

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