Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Rainy Days

It's still quite rainy in Seville. It definitely has a more winter feel to me with the cloudy skies and rain. Last night I slept at the girls' again and it is such a difference than sleeping above my bar! The street isn't quiet, and you can hear people moving around in other apartments in the building, but once the garbage men come after midnight, the street is fairly calm, minus the odd car that drives by or drunken Spaniard walking home and waking the neighbors as he does so.

I piled five blankets on my bed last night and kept the tiny space heater going the whole time and I was actually warm! I listened to the rain and cars outside and for a few sleepy, Tylenol PM induced moments thought I was back home as I snuggled into my blanket haven.

The apartment next to the girls' is full of younger people that we guess don't work due to the large amount of time spent home smoking pot and playing Wii. And the building to the other side is a convent. I love Europe, you get all sorts of people packed together in tiny and random places. So sometimes we see nuns going in the front door next to ours (girls' place).

My lessons have started back up again and even though I was feeling a tiny bit of apprehension, it was great seeing my students again! My little girls ran up and hugged me until I pealed them off of me, my boys actually behaved, and even the parents gave me dos besos and seemed genuinely pleased to have me back. Definitely a nice return!

Now the apartment search commences and the hunt for more work. Sadly I've lost another hour but have decided not to get too stressed out about it. I'm really looking forward to when it warms up, and to when Dad comes to visit in MARCH!

Back to lesson planning...

1 comment:

Eric said...

Hey Kate! Wassup?
I am still in Germany very snowy.
Na-yeon and Louise my daughter are doing all fine.
I just wated to say hello and all the best wishes for your like in Europe.
bye~~ Eric from Hamburg