Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Another Game Day

Trinidad and Tobago play Paraguay in town tonight, and taking the train home was crazy. It was a bit late, and then was only a two-car train, with four doors. I went to one and it was completely packed, no way to get in. The next two were the same. Crammed full with people. I thought I wouldn't be able to get on! So the last door there was about two square feet of space and let me tell you, more than two of us got on! Talk about insanity. People were also singing songs about Germany winning the World Cup, which was kinda fun.

Germany is also playing in just over an hour, and I had planned to go watch in town, but I'm not sure now. It's raining and the city is already packed. However, there is supposed to be a parade put on by Trinidad later, and I would like to see that. Hmmmm.

No one at work really seemed to know that next week is my last week, so I'm trying to spread that around.

And today one of my classes made the whole year worth while in just a few words. I told my 12 LK that next week is my last class with them and I told them I've really enjoyed the class, and they said they'd enjoyed having me here and felt they'd learned a lot. They even said thank you for making them write all the essays (I thought it just annoyed them!) and that they felt it has helped them prepare for the Abitur next year. Then they all started clapping. I didn't know what to do so I said thank you and turned which I sure was a lovely shade of red. It is moments like that that really make teaching amazing. I will miss that class, they really are one of my favorites.

One last note: TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY!!! That's right folks, just two lil ol weeks and I will be back in the KC area! Can you feel the excitement? hee hee.....

1 comment:

Megan said...

I can feel the excitement too!!! I'm glad your class learned from you and you taught them well. That is some well earned success on both ends I think. Can't wait to see you!