Friday, June 23, 2006

Some Pics from the WM Madness

It is hard to tell, but the view we had from Ranj's BBQ was amazing! We could watch all the people and craziness below! Alison is the one in the England hat. She's great fun. And I am wearing E's Holland hat in support of the Netherlands.

Sunday the Netherlands are playing Portugal and I think I will be for Portugal, as long as E doesn't get too upset! hee hee. But I have to support Rita.

Tomorrow I'm off to Frankfurt to see Koto for the last time before taking off. I've not really been around the city yet so it will be nice to see a new place.

11 days. : )


emotionalrangeofateaspoon said...

You must have long arms because your self-pictures always turn out so well!

Megan said...

Have fun with Koto and say hi to her for us while you can :)...can't wait to see you!!!