Monday, June 05, 2006

Late Light

It's 10:30 pm and I feel bad going to bed b/c it's not quite dark yet. lol. But in 7 hours it will be light again.

I've been trying to load some pics to this website but it's not working so far. I will keep trying. And fairly soon I will put the pics up on my photo album.

We had dinner at Thomas's tonight. Quite nice. Tomorrow is a sport day, which I forgot, after spending two hours planning lessons today. I need my one class, though, b/c we have to talk about the book! I'm on a specific plan. Maybe the teacher will let me take a different lesson this week. I have essays to collect, darn it!

: )


Megan said...

Don't be too strict now...flexibility and creativity are wonderful tools :)

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.