Saturday, June 10, 2006


Germany beat Costa Rica last night, 4:2. Go Germany! I wore my Germany shirt and everything. Ok, so I didn't watch the whole game. I got bored. lol. I mean, come on, it's soccer!

The city was so crazy last night that I didn't venture out to see the game on the big screens. Rita and I were walking around town before the game and people started staring and we heard these weird noises and we went to see what was going on and there were these people dressed up as HUGE bugs and it was quite scary. They also had weird noise-making whatnots that sounded very horror film like and were enjoying chasing people. I didn't want to partake. I admit it, I'm just not a fan of bugs. Especially not life-sized ones. Nope, no thanks buddy!

I do, however, think "summer" has finally hit. Juhu!

I'm also quite excited b/c Megan called last night and is going to come visit once I'm back in the States. Yay!

Today Rita and I are getting her ready to go home. Taking care of last minute things, packing, and her teacher is throwing a going away party tonight. I guess I should plan some lessons sometime, too. lol.

Hope you all are doing well.

: )

1 comment:

Megan said...

Go Germany go and go kate go :) I can't wait to see you!!!