Friday, December 07, 2007

I can see clearly (but the rain is not gone)

I can SEE!!!!!!!!!!!! The man I took my glasses to last night was very kind, and I explained to him what had happened with my eyes.

This morning at ten he called me and said he went ahead and made my glasses already, and I could pick them up whenever. I was soooooooooo excited, because my first Referat is tomorrow and I was really worried about not being able to see the people asking questions, etc.

It is really storming out. I figured the five minute walk to the eye place wouldn't be too wet, since I tucked my jeans into my boots like a good European, and wore the waterprooff ones, waterproof jacket, and umbrella. I was wrong. After two minutes outside my jeans were soaked, and my waterproof boots were not waterproof. The water seeped into my boots and soaked my socks and at that point I was really glad it's 50 F outside and not colder. When I got home I had to literally peel the clothes off, and figured I should have taken the poncho. But seriously, five minutes? With all my gear? I have to leave for class in 30 minutes and I'm hoping it dies down. Of course, last week I missed Arabic because the trains stopped. I was waiting in the underground and they announced the trains would not be going to my station. So if I didn't take a taxi, I would be half an hour late. I decided it was fate and met Emma for lunch. See? I can be flexible. : )

Ok, enough blogging for one day. I'm sure everyone is like, geez Kate, how much can you blog in one day?


Megan said...

I like all of the blogs and hearing about what you're up to! I'm still just amazed at the amount of rain you are getting there and am very curious as to whether it is normal...maybe wikipedia will know.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe they shut down the trains! Did the world stop turning and I missed it? hehehe