Wednesday, April 02, 2008


The airline called me today and said they would rebook my return flight. They even said they would give me a partial refund, I just had to call the people I bought it from. So I called, and they said no, they couldn't help me without an approval code. So I contacted BMI again who said, what approval code? So maybe I won't get the refund, but at least I have a flight home again, one that was already paid for! Whew! Big relief.

I also attended two classes this morning, but I don't think I'll keep either. The professors were especially horrible.

Another day or rain kept me off the bike, but I met up with Emma and we tried to think of something she could get for Chris for his birthday, which is tomorrow. He'll be a whole 25 years old! hee hee.

Tomorrow is another day or early classes to see if I like them. One is even in...can you guess...English!!! That ought to be interesting!

Right now I'm listening to lovely church bells and enjoying some yummy vegie soup.

Miss you guys!!!

1 comment:

Mary said...

So glad to hear you are doing Cowtown. Keep those training miles going!