Saturday, April 05, 2008


Yesterday I went back to Emma's to use her landline, and after a few calls and frustration, I was finally assured that I was getting a refund on the outgoing flight that I could not take. However, they didn't know how much, and it will take 8-12 weeks. But I think that is the best it's going to get, so I am happy with it.

I woke up a little before six this morning (yes, I realize it's Saturday) and the sky was that pre-dawn light and I heard so many birds chirping! I decided to get up and go for a walk/jog. I didn't do much of that at home, so I am trying to get some miles in again. I'm glad I went early because it's been raining ever since!

Tonight Emma and Chris are having me and our Korean friends over for cocktails. We are going to try to make our own since Chris and Emma have this stash of alchohol that they never use. It's cheaper than going out, as well.

Yay! : )

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