Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Bikeless Me

The teacher who was supposed to lend me her bike for the year forgot to take me home yesterday to pick it up. So I left her a note and she talked to me today, saying she'd take me home after 6th period. I waited. And waited. She forgot me again. Lol. Maybe Thursday will be the lucky day! Still, it's quite nice of her to lend it to me. Just amusing.

Instead, another teacher took me home and showed me where the bus stops were and which lines to take to the university. That was most helpful because German bus schedules always beat me. They are some tricky buggers.

I broke down yesterday and bought a new shower curtain. The one that came with the apartment was quite icky. Smelly and suspiciously mold-friendly. I had to hide against the wall anytime it would move towards me in the shower and decided I just couldn't go on that way. Never mind the smell!

So I went to Karstadt and found the curtains. There was this lovely daisy sunshine yellow one that would brighten my shower and my mornings, but alas, the price tag read 40 Euros. Sadness all around. I put it back on the shelf. Then I found a bunch of 5 Euro curtains. Almost too good to be true. Until I saw what was on them. Was it some corny old lady pattern? No. Perhaps some funky fabric or odd shape? No again. Oh no, they were raunchy shower curtains. That's right, highly inappropriate curtains! Who on earth thought of those and put them in a regular houseware store? I suddenly found myself greatly torn. No way could I afford the happy piece of fabric I wanted, so I shuffled through the offensive curtains and found one that was only mildly embarrassing. I was too tired to hit more stores and refused to give in to the awesome evil that is mold. Therefore I caved and got the clear (ew) plastic shower curtain with hooks on the outside, for your clothes or whatever else you might find the need to hang on your shower curtain (I don't get it).

At school I ended up taking over for a period because my teacher was late so I just started class. When she arrived she asked me to continue because she needed to take care of some things. It's like baptism by fire. It went fairly well. They class was 12th grade which means about 17/18 year olds. I feel more confident with the smaller kids, but it's good to get a chance to try my hand at all ages. It was pretty exciting. I talked to fast, though. I know, I know. Big surprise.

Thank you everyone who is sending me letters, I appreciate them more than you know! I'm off to the bar with the teachers. Somehow that sounds so wrong....... : D

1 comment:

Megan said...

good job getting rid of that mold kate! they only was is to kill it as quickly as possible or it might very well take over the whole apartment!....oh dear, i've begun to have flashbacks...remember to watch those corners and luft continuously...miss you lots kate :)