Monday, September 19, 2005

Political Instability

Ok, so it's not really "unstable" here, but wow the elections are exciting this time!! At first we thought it would be boring because the Germans get their results right away, so Chuck and I didn't really see the point in the Wahlparty other than to be with friends and enjoy a fun meal. But then the fun started!

The CDU was supposed to get more votes, but the SPD and CDU got almost the same percent, and not enough to build a coalition with just one of the smaller parties. Last night it was CDU at around 35% and SPD 35%, FDP 10%, Gruene 8% and Linke 8%. But the SPD refuses to work with the Gruene, and they feel the same. SPD wants to work with the FDP, but on t.v. the leader just laughed at Schroeder and said no way. They had a talk show thing on with all the leaders of the parties and it was so funny! Schroeder was so sure he would still lead the country but it just doesn't seem possible. So right now the whole country is waiting to see what kind of coalition will be built in order for the country to have a "stable government" as they kept saying over and over. My guess is CDU, FDP and Gruene.

Therefore, while you may find out what people voted right away, that does in no way mean you know who will run the country! What fun.

I'm taking the train to work to day for the first time. I just need to figure out how to get from the train station to my school. Therefore I'm taking an earily train. But it's great because instead of leaving before 7, I get to go about 10. Very nice! At least today. Monday looks like it will be my later day to start. : D

They turned my heat on last night. Thank goodness. It was about 3C, so quite chilly.

At the end of October my state has two weeks vacation (each state has different times off) and Chuck and I decided to hit the south of France for a few days. Crazy, isn't it? If it weren't for cheap flights we could never afford it, but it's unbelieveable how cheaply you can fly for on certain airlines if you are flexible! We're going to Montpellier.

Miss you all! : )

1 comment:

Megan said...

have fun in france kate....b is here with me and says hi, she licked the keyboard :)'ll have to tell all of us what the beach was like there...miss you tons