Thursday, September 29, 2005

Ploetzlich Lehrerin

My second class today didn't come, I just sat there waiting. Finally I decided it wasn't just normal lateness that prevails in my Gymnasium, so I went to the secretary to find out where my class was exactly. She told me the teacher wasn't here today so the class had a free period. Then I asked her where the principal was because he was my next class, only he wasn't there either and I was supposed to take over his class all by myself only I didn't know it! Oh my goodness. I wasn't sure what I should talk about or what they were working on. Needless to say I was a bit nervous and frustrated for the lack of warning.

However, class went just fine and I did a lesson all by myself which is pretty cool. I was a real teacher today! hee hee. So I'm learning lots here as well, it's not just me playing the role of a live dictionary in the corner. Good stuff.

In a few hours I'll catch a train to Nudi's!!


Megan said...

hi kate...good job with the teaching! and i are both here and she misses you too...she says hi and waves too :)....happy birthday early!!!...miss you tons big hugs

emotionalrangeofateaspoon said...

Hey Kate!
Happy Belated birthday!!
Would have wished it to you earlier except for my pathetic lack of internet acess makes life stupid!
I hope you had a great birthday!

Megan said...

sniffle sniffle...where is your next posting?