Sunday, January 20, 2008

Flashback to K-town

I just did laundry in the bathtub and am reminded of my time in Kaiserslautern. Granted, then I had a tiny bathroom with only a shower and did my laundry in the sink, but it's the same gist. I also remembered how much I dislike doing my laundry in the sink/tub. So maybe I won't do that very often. I guess it's back to the laundromat for me. Sadness.

Today was quite productive, however. Emma helped me work on my questionnaires for my thesis and we got a bunch accomplished. I also studied a bit for my final. There is a lot to do for Uni before I head back to the U.S. I think the next few weeks are going to fly by!


Megan said...

Good job getting thesis work done! I'm glad you're enjoying yourself and time is flying :)

Unknown said...

I'm thinking you should just save up your dirty laundry and take it home with you! You know, kinda like being in college again. What the heck? Imagine the security guy in the States opening you bag up, after you've traveled for 5000's gotta smell better than cooked bleach!!!!

Toni said...

Only a man would suggest packing all your dirty clothes and hauling them half way around the world. Gotta love 'em for that.
Kate, don't they have any washboards there?
That was a joke. It's been in the single digits here and snowing daily for weeks. I have cabin fever.