Thursday, November 29, 2007


They dilated my eyes at 4 pm yesterday, and it is 8:30 am now. I am still completely dilated. How am I supposed to function well today? I'm calling them once they open to ask why I am still dilated. Isn't that a bit weird? Why do I go to German doctors?

* * * * * * * *
It's a few hours later and I called the office. The lady said with some people that is normal, and it could take A FEW DAYS until the eyes return to normal. So I've been wearing sunglasses. Goodness gracious.


Mary said...

Wow Kate, it sounds like you need a lot of giant hugs. Wish we were all closer.

Unknown said...

Has it occurred to you, that your eyes don't want to cooperate?

Megan said...

It is pretty impressive the number of problems you are running into with your eyes. Hope they're better soon though!