Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I get to stay!

I got my visa this morning! Yay! I really wasn't sure she was going to give it to me. They always get confused/frustrated that I've been here so many times and have multiple visas. She made sure to put a big black "no longer valid" stamp on each and every other visa I'd been given. lol. She insisted I leave her all my papers, passport, etc. and go sit in the hall. 20 minutes later she called me back in and handed everything back, along with a visa in my passport. All right! Of course, I almost missed her calling my name the first time because she was really far down the hallway and she said my name completely like a German, and I didn't understand that was me until the second or third time she called. lol.

But all is well now that I'm allowed to stay. I think I've completed all my official tasks.

Tomorrow is the visit to the eye doctor in a hospital waaaaay up north.

And now it's time to get back to working on my Referats, and I have class from 2-6 tonight. I want to take my bike, but man it's cold! I already biked several miles today in the freezing weather and I heard we might get snow/freezing rain later. Do I really want to be out in that? Hmmmmm, mal schauen!

Tschau! : )


Megan said...

Congratulations on the visa! I'm glad you're official now. I hope you are having a great day...big hugs!

Anonymous said...

I should have blogged you about our trip to the Embassy. I'll do it tomorrow,,,,just another b/s thing that goes wrong in Kabul!