Saturday, October 20, 2007

First Friday Out

Emma and I spent yesterday going around town, or at least that was our plan. We ended up talking more over cake and tea, but in the end we made it to the city, met Chris after he got off work, and frequented one of the two German restuarants in town. Then Erik (I can't say his Korean name) met us for drinks and we headed down to an Irish Pub. Ahhhh, Irish Pubs. I love those.
Emma and Chris were very kind and figured out how to get me home, since the U-Bahn (underground) makes a big square around the area I live in. I took it around the Alster, then caught a bus. It was funny b/c that is the spot where the bus starts and ends, so I was 15 minutes early for it, and the guy was just sitting in the bus waiting, but he won't let anyone on. And of course it's freezing outside. And I had the biggest bag in the world with me b/c I had bought a yoga mat. It was pretty amusing. But finally I made it home and slept forever.
Tonight Emma, Chris and I are going to see Ratatouile (sp?) at an English speaking theater. And tomorrow we are hoping to do a bit of a bike tour around town so I can get more oriented and then Chris is planning to cook up some big slab of meat. Sounds good to me.
Megan's big marathon is tomorrow, so GOOD LUCK! And Dad's big 50 is on Monday, so an early HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him. Mom, good luck with the fundraiser today, and Monica, thanks for helping out. I want pics of the Oompaloompa costume. Take the camera in the secretary above your side. : )


Mutti said...

What IS that dead animal on your floor? Just wanted to let you know I AM reading the blog. :-) Off to the barn (it is 6:30 am here) for the big fundraiser day. Wish me luck...I'm going to need it.
BIG thanks to Monica who's helping out.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh look, Jean is leaving comments in her own name!! Hey Sprout, love the glasses! How much did i pay for LASIK? lol

Anonymous said...

Hey, you think counting sheep is rough? Try counting camels! One-humper, one-humper, two-humper, two-humper, one-humper... How come camels come in two different models? Did someone think it would be more comfortable to ride on top of the hump?
Oh well, it beats counting donkeys.

Kate said...

Am I allowed to comment on my own blog? That was pretty funny Dad. And yeah, sorry about the Lasik, but the glasses aren't ugly. That's a plus. And honestly, they don't help me see in the distance. After about three feet my right eye can't see anything but blur with or without help. Thank goodness for the left eye! :)

Megan said...

Does your irish pub have a quiz night? What does Chris to for work and does emma work?