Friday, November 16, 2007

Girls' Weekend!

Lucy is in town and she and Emma are on their way over to get me, and we're all heading down to the city center to look around and hopefully get some coffee and something chocolately!

I went to see about my visa yesterday, but you have to make an appt between 8-12 Mon through Thurs. So I will wait til Monday and call. But I'm making progress!

I missed my Creative Writing class yesterday. I swear I was in the right room, but no one showed up. And then I was tired, cold and hungry so I just said forget it and hopped on my bike and headed home.

I love having a landline here! I called Thomas and surprised him. He was busy grading, always the good teacher.

This first month has really flown by! I can't believe it's midway through November already. I feel like I really need to get a move on with my studies.

It's getting dark outside and I think it's going to pour soon. Am definitely taking the umbrella with me!

Thank you Mary, for all of the letters you send! I really love getting them. : D Good luck to Ben with the SWAT tryout. Let me know if he makes it!

I think Arabic is going to kick my butt. Yikes.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Sprout, thanks for a wonderful time in Hamburg! And thanks for posting the pics of the pool hall on my site also. I finally posted both the pics of Hamburg and my flight 'details'. I'm sure you'll enjoy them!


Megan said...

Ben passed his swat test and we are waiting impatiently to see what will happen next, but he was the only one of three to pass, so good for him :) Also, I will probably have a job interview for a very cool company the first week of December :)

Mary said...

I was going to get a Thanksgiving card to you but it will be late. Somehow I thought Thanksgiving was a week later, must be approaching age :( Ben learned while he passed the three elements of the SWAT test, they call it SRU Special Response Unit, he still has a departmental review and the command staff has to sign papers. He still has to hold his breath. I try not to think about the risks, kind of a permanent state of pretend.

Marine momma said...

HI Kate!! I am so glad you and your dad had a good time together. I love the pics. Stay healthy, safe and happy.

I love you,
Aunt Shirley

p.s. did you see my pic on my blog yet? I reposted it just for you. :)