Friday, October 26, 2007


Ok Meegan, here are a list of my classes:

- Politics of International Migration
- The Middle East: Security, etc. etc.
- The Poor in Politics, Politics for the Poor
- Intercultural Problems II: Integration through Participation - Active Participants and Processes
- Anti-Bias: Being Conscious of Judgements and Actions in the Pedagogical Practice
(sorry for loose translations!)

And I want to see this Politics of Development, but I think I already have enough. I dropped my UN class. I think 3 or 4 classes is actually more than enough, b/c they are all Seminare/Hauptseminare. No Vorlesungen. And they are all MA level.

In addition to those, there is a student organization, ASTA, that puts together cultural classes. Through them I am taking Arabic, Creative Writing, and Belly Dancing. What a combination, right? I will check out a Volkshochschule for Chinese.

I met Andrew, another Fulbrighter, at the Uni for lunch yesterday, and we randomly ran into Hillary, another FBer. She had also studied in Tueb., but in 2006. Crazy, huh?

I have to get ready now, I'm taking Angelina to the Uni to see if we can get her registered for some of the cultural classes as well. Then I'm meeting a man about salsa--he has a studio here. And then Ms. Emma and I are going to once again try to get me oriented in the city.

Just FIVE days until Dad gets here! Yay!

Oh, last thing. Those of you who have been asking about my landline. I finally got it together last night. The box in my room is being funny, so I put my base in Angelina's, but it's cordless. Anyhow, my number is 040-31703938. So if you are calling from the US, I believe you would dial 011-49-40-31703938. If that doesn't work, add the other 0 in. Just let me know when you plan to call so I can be at home.

: )


Anonymous said...

Truly, the bike place did sound cool. I just wouldn't want to be riding when it's that cold and you can't see....

Mary said...

You have an amazing academic schedule, sure you have time for salza?? Glenn's sister from Okalhoma was here the past week, it was fun but now I am working through an undone stack larger than I like it. Will you verify your mailing address, will send photos of Megan's marathon when you do.